Personal Trainer (B.S., NASM, CSCS)

LONGEVITY. It’s what we all need. ‘Young Bull’ just means to be equipped with a forever young mindset, full of curiosity. The bull represents transient focus to bulldoze any deterrence in our way. Age is as we know you get “old” lose strength, lose mobility, muscle mass, and eventually die. No. Young Bull is here to keep you young, athletic, and fit. Mind, body, and soul. Always teaching you the way to keep you learning and ever evolving. My first Weight training coach taught me that our minds are our strongest muscle. To this day that still holds value. Young Bull lifestyle will challenge you mentally to enhance your mental resilience because where the mind goes the body follows. Become limitless! Training the mind to be resilient and the body to improve in every aspect of athletics is the Young Bull way. This is all achieved through proper training and nutrition while being coached to become better ever day. At the end of the day we just have to ask ourselves, is fitness going to be a way of life for me? If it is, congratulations on making the best decision of your life. Let’s get to work!